Monday, March 17, 2014


The Other Inconvenient Truth
SINCE TIME BEGAN : salus populi suprema est lex - the right of the people is the supreme law : IN TRUTH WE TRUST
Subset : Pot Calls Kettle Black : Absence of Clean Hands
A Comparative SynopsisCanada's Prime Minister Harperon behalf of the monarch, claims Russia's apparent intervention in the Ukraine at Crimea is an act of illicit military occupation; and, the indigenous Peoples of the west coast of Turtle Island North claim; likewise, that the occupation and stealth [UBCIC] of their customary and traditional lands by the British monarchy (via Canada) is a hostile military action [UNSC 2013 complaint]; causing loss of land title rights; and, having caused the torture and death of thousands of indigenous children in the name of the monarch since before 1840 / IRSSV. Within this scenario, it is important to bear in mind that the current president of the United States (Barack Oboma) is adopted into the Crow Tribe; and, New York is host to the seat of the UN - where, indigenous American Natives contest the land title. Note : 1613 Two Row Wampum / OIPC / Law Of Treaties

Tribal Mutual Respect of historical borders is paramount to fundamental peace and order of law.

International organizations - like the members United Nations - have incorporated a Charter; wherein, border respect is integrated into the mutual commitments; and, through which the UN Security Council possesses certain authoritative empowerment to intervene in a prescribed hostile military occupation of a member state.

Other organizations - like NATO or Inter American Commission on Human Rights - also, have incorporated similar options; through which its members may solicit assistance; or, may be called into account for transgressions.

Illegal military occupation originally appears as occurring via a sign of hostility; and, traditionally will cause some form of sanction or intervention by the UN Provost Marshal.

Even the United Nations does not possess its place of business in New York without controversy : Traditional New York indigenous Peoples continue to claim that the territory of the UN buildings constitute a hostile military occupation.

It is imperative that there occurs a universal mutual respect of customary and traditional tribal territories. By 2050, it is alleged there will be in excess of 9 billion people on Earth.

Today, There is no general principle of mutual respect of these paramount land title zones. Many indigenous Peoples have, by tradition, been migratory; and, individual land possession was not a considered entitlement. While, some Peoples have recognized possession of land as being a title gifted by the Creator- with this authority being a Hohfeldian stewardship : the blending of right and duty.

Indigenous Peoples of Turtle Island North - as illicitly claimed by the British Monarch and incorporated as Canada in 1867 - are offering forward herein {via The Kwa'Mutsun Hwuneem Nation-Soto Nation Circle Of Fires} the 2013 registered UN Security Council complaint as a reasonable {on the balance of probabilities} TEST CASE; through which to evaluate the integrity of the United Nations and the International Court of Justice at the Hague in nation-to-nation disputes on land title and governance dispute issues / challenging the state-nation credentials of "Canada" as being based upon an original and continued  fraud and conspiracy contrary to the UN Charter and thw Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The chosen UNSC TEST CASE is submitted through the established and recognized principles of paramountcy as developed over more than 1000 years by the Haudenosaunee Confederacy; and, accepted as a format of international treaty for commerce and trade in the 1613 Two Row Wampum - and, containing the voiding clause for instructions to withdraw. 

Addendum wiki : "The Netherlands have been called upon as allies by Haudenosaunee in international affairs, notaby at the League of Nations in 1923 in a conflict with Canada over membership and at the United Nations in 1977, requesting the Haudenosaunee passport to be honored internationally.The Dutch government honored the passport until 2010. It remains unclear if the policy will be changed in recognition of the 400th anniversary of the treaty.[17]
The Two Row Wampum continues to play a role in defining the relationship between citizens of New York State and Haudenosaunee residents of the region. In 2006, a dispute over whether Onondaga Nation students could be permitted to wear native regalia at their graduation ceremony at Lafayette High School in LaFayette, New York, was resolved in part through the school board's consideration and application of the principles of the Two Row Wampum.[18]
Larger disputes concerning extant treaties based on the Two Row Wampum, such as the Treaty of Canandaigua, remain unresolved through litigation and pending land claims."